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September, 16th
Dr. Megan Avery
​1075 Mullins Station Road (Peggy Edmiston Building W-3) Room W263- Parking located on W 3 Parking Lot
***Reminder to email your suggestions for this year’s MSWCA donation. Please send organization name and a little synopses on who they are and why you think this would be a good charity to donate our money to. We will present these during our September meeting with a final vote in November and check will presented at Christmas luncheon in December.
The Association
Members of the Association represent employers, insurance professionals, nurses, health care providers, safety consultants, rehabilitation consultants, law offices, third party administrators and other organizations with a substantial interest and/or involvement in workers’ compensation. Speaker meetings and networking opportunities are held throughout the year.
Meetings provide members with opportunities to improve claims management skills and exchange ideas with other workers compensation professionals. Networking events afford members the opportunity to identify a wide variety of community resources available through the Association. MSWCA members who are certified case managers may earn continuing education credits (CEU’s) at no charge through the Association. MSWCA holds an annual conference which is rotated yearly amongst the three chapters.
President: Vernica Davis
Vice President: Brunetta Garner
Secretary: Kristen Lane
Treasurer: Missy Young
MSWCA Meeting Dates for 2024
January 22 - Dr. Frederick Gregory Wolf with OrthoSouth
February 26 - Dr. Mario Ray Medical Director with Regional One Hospital
March 18th - Dr. Beaucaire with Memphis Vascular
April 15th - OrthoSouth - Dr. Henning
May 20th - Campbell Clinic - Dr. Campion
June 17th - TN WC Conference
July 15th - St. Francis - Beth Trouy PT, CWS, CERT. DN
August 19th - Dr. Judith Lee-Sigler with OrthoSouth
September 16th - Dr. Megan Avery
October 21st - Safety Speaker
November 18th - Dr. Berkowitz with OrthoSouth
December – Christmas Luncheon Date TBD